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欢迎您访问 :苏州小蚂蚁LED照明电子有限公司
It is the factory house that the profession produces the LED lamps and laterns product that I take charge of, main product:Lamp bulb of LED.The LED protects the lousy light, the LED ground covers up the light.Whole colourful design principles of the modern, let you buy feel happy, use trust, attend to this sorrow after have no.I take charge of the chip of LED and PCs of the product adoption superior quality  tube material, the anti- pound at, the anti- is aging and defends the ultraviolet ray, life span long, economize on energy, the color and luster is fresh and gorgeous, function stability, low exhaust, low maintenance, is a green environmental protection of new generation to decorate the lighting lamp.The light result contain monochrome, three  color varieties, this seven colorses variety, also can divide a variety, can pursue and change, jump to change gradually, also can flowing water variety and variety from enactment procedure variety.Used for the park, protect the column, bridge, mansion, building body outline, across the street air corridor, advertise the placard...etc. extensively, is the city predominant product of the bright chemical engineering distance
电话:86-0512-66908277 传真86-0512-66908277